News Archive: 2005

June 2005 Update: 

Former Reed Square Development and the new St Cuthbert’s Place


After the sadness of seeing the old Vicarage demolished, there is a certain amount of happiness as the area around the church nears completion...

Fr. Darren Miller

New church garden 1 New church garden 1

This is the view towards church from what was the old vicarage front door. You can see the War Memorial in our new garden.


St Cuthbert's Place 1 St Cuthbert's Place 1

This shot is from the church front door and shows St Cuthbert’s Place which is a new square replacing our old front car park.


New church garden 2 New church garden 2

And this is another view of our church garden.




St Cuthbert's Place 2 St Cuthbert's Place 2

From the other direction you can see what a lovely entrance we now have to the church. This view is from Castle Vale’s new main but stop.


Car park works Car park works

Of course, there is still some work to do but the new car park is finally taking shape (compare with last year!)



St Cuthbert's Place 3 St Cuthbert's Place 3

Another view of St Cuthbert’s place with the new High Street just visible on the left.


April 2005 Update: Former Reed Square Development


With a lot of the changes being inside new buildings and the weather not being brilliant, this update is a little late! However, you get a feeling that the old is definitely making way for the new.

Fr. Darren Miller

The beginning of the end The beginning of the end

The view from the new vicarage on Maundy Thursday. It’s progress but that doesn’t stop it being sad!


The new college takes shape image The new college takes shape image

This is the view from the new vicarage’s front door down the High Street. The yellow steel is the beginning of the College & Library.


Back Back

Back of the new vicarage

The end of the end The end of the end

From that this took only 3 hours.




The new car park The new car park

View behind the new vicarage. This was the drive and parking. In April more trees are added and surfacing: the church car park will be finished


RIP the old vicarage image RIP the old vicarage image

This is the old vicarage and in two months work begins on new flats on this site.



Front of the new vicarage

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Address: S. Cuthbert's Place, Castle Vale, Birmingham B35 7PL
Telephone: 07581 485417 (Annette Caleb, Church Warden)